How to Detect if is Group Summary on record summaryFunction

Hi guys, very ease

on summaryFunction just add  record.isGroupSummary or record.isGridSummary

case 'clicks':
$columnas_raw->title = 'Clicks';
$columnas_raw->type = 'float';
$js = " return  isc.Format.toUSString(value)";
$columnas_raw->formatCellValue =   $js ;
//$columnas_raw->recordSummaryFunction = "multiplier";
//$columnas_raw->summaryFunction = "sum";
$columnas_raw->showGridSummary = true;
$columnas_raw->showGroupSummary = true;
$js = " return  '<div style=\"text-align: left;\">Total<br> <div  style=\"font-weight: normal;\">all -- 32 Product(s)</div> Client/Network<br><div  style=\"font-weight: normal;\">-- unallocated data</div></div>' ";
$columnas_raw->summaryFunction = $js ;

if (record.isGroupSummary || record.isGridSummary) return "&nbsp;";


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